Sunday, March 2, 2008

blind leading the...well...blind

At the baggage claim at ABIA, there was a group of blind high schoolers. I guess it never really piqued my interest before - how DO the blind find their luggage on the steel-partitioned carousel? But dammit if I wasn't fascinated tonight. I could not take my eyes off them. They were leaning slightly over the carousel and palming, cupping, caressing the blank air between bags. One of them finally caught one that was his - from a single touch, he immediately assessed it was the correct bag. I wish I could learn this sensory-rote technique. I wish I could find a way to memorize the tactile sensation, the solid grace and texture, of even one of my possessions.

Like a lover's face, is it possible for a seeing woman to divine the shape and grain of a thing based purely on touch and measure?

1 comment:

billy hutchison said...

that's really beautiful.

and I'd like to think that something both familiar and loved enough would reveal itself through any sense...not just touch...